

Using vision/based sensors or systems such as video and 3D cameras, imaging radars, or CAD designs, we can help you train deep learning models specifically suited for your industrial context. You will get highly qualitative inference AI model that are developed to run in the real world. Your company can thus increase productivity and accuracy, empower the autonomous machines or improve spacial understanding.

Data Acquisition

Unstructured images or video data related to your industrial processes are gathered or simulated based on special CAD and photo or emulation software. We help you identify it, gather it, or generate it so that it can be used for training purposes.

Image Classification

We segregate your data for better organization, classification, and understanding. This way, you can automatize your data pipeline, the image classification, and the management of the these files. Furthermore, high number and quality of image classification has a paramount impact on the training quality.

Modelling and usage

With the help of proven industry methods and frameworks, we train specific models for your industrial needs. Once trained we look perform deep analysis in order to fine tune the models and improve their quality. Finally we integrate them fully in the industrial process so that they can be used by people, cobots, or other software robots that are embedded in you activities.